Only for GDS by GDS - India Post

Only for GDS by GDS - India Post

Thursday 21 June 2018

Utilization of Postman/MTS/GDS in PA vacancy

Utilisation of Postman/MTS/GDS in PA vacancy : CPMG AP Circle issued order for constitution of a committee to examine the staff side RJCM issue.

1 comment:

  1. Akwa Ibom: Here comes The Killer Punch News

    A society is a self sustaining entity if it has all its components functioning as expected. It has the executive to provide it with leadership and fix necessary transformation in it to make life meaningful.
    It equally has the legislature to make laws to guide the behavior of people and provide basis where infringement can be claimed at yet another stratum, the judiciary. This important group of people in the society as learned as they are, provides interpretation to the laws kept in the society and prescribe punishments to the offenders.
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    Visit The Killer Punch News to Get Latest News on Politics, Business, Technology, Health, Education, Akwa Ibom News, Nigeria NewsEtc.
