Only for GDS by GDS - India Post

Only for GDS by GDS - India Post

Monday, 24 June 2019

GDS To PA Exam Online Test – PO Guide Part – 2 [Online Exam -2]


  • All the questions are compulsory to attempt. 
  • Please select the answer and click submit to view next question. 
  • The answer can't be modified. So please read carefully both question and answer then choose correct answer. 
  • The result will be displayed after submit the answer of last question.

Q 1 . The maximum weight/aggregate weight of Parcel (s) (except VP Parcels and Parcels marked Post Restante) that can be delivered at the premises of an addressee is .

 5 KG
 10 KG
 15 KG
 20 KG

0 Out of 0 correct.

GDS To PA Exam Online Test – PO Guide Part – 2


  • All the questions are compulsory to attempt. 
  • Please select the answer and click submit to view next question. 
  • The answer can't be modified. So please read carefully both question and answer then choose correct answer. 
  • The result will be displayed after submit the answer of last question.

Q 1 . What is the Redirection Fee for Parcel? .

 10% of the ordinary postage
 25% of the ordinary postage
 50% of the ordinary postage

0 Out of 0 correct.

Study Materials for GDS, MTS, Postman Examination [DOP]

Study Materials fox Postal Exams - GDS, MTS, Postman
Click below links

Prepared by V.SaiKrishna, LSG SPM, Muthukur SO-524 344, Nellore Division. Ph:-9849404651

Notification for Competitive Examination limited to GDS for filling up the post of PA/SA for the vacancies of the years 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018 - TN Circle

Notification for Competitive Examination limited to GDS for filling up the post of PA/SA for the unfilled LGO vacancies of the years 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018(01.04.2018 to 31.12.2018) to held on 14.07.2019 - TN Circle

Monday, 3 June 2019

Revised Exam Calendar For GDS To PA Exam 2019

On 31st May 2019, Department of Post revised their Departmental exam calendar which was previously postponed. The Exam will be held on 14th July 2019.

Revised Exam Calendar for GDS to PA Exam 2019
Download Notification Click Here

Revised Exam Notification For GDS To PA Exam 2019

F. No. A 34012/2/2019-DE
Government of India
Ministry of Communication
Department of Posts(DE Section)

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi – 110001
Dated: 31st May 2019

All Heads of Circles

Subject: Competitive Examination limited to GDSs for the post of Postal Assistants/ Sorting Assistants for unfilled vacancies up to 31.12.2018-regarding.

Madam/ Sir,

I am directed to forward herewith a copy of “Model Notification” for issuance of the same before O4.O6.2O19 by incorporating the relevant entries at Circle level enabling smooth conduct of the aforesaid examination.

2. Other instructions regarding the setting of question papers and necessary
guidelines will be issued separately.

3. This may also be brought to the notice of all concerned.

4. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority

Yours faithfully

(M. L. Dhar
Assistant Director General (DE)

Encl: As referred to.

Download Notification Click Here

Revised Pattern & Syllabus For GDS To PA Exam 2019

The Revised Pattern and Syllabus of Competitive Examination limited to Postman/Mail Guard / MTS/ GDS for appointment as Postal Assistant and Sorting Assistant.

I. Pattern of Examination For GDS to PA Exam 2019:
Pattern of Examination For GDS to PA Exam 2019

II. Revised Criteria for Selection For GDS to PA Exam 2019:-

a) Examination for Paper I and Paper II will be conducted in continuity. Thereafter, Paper III, i.e. Data Entry Skill Test (DEST), will be conducted separately on the same day.

b) Only such candidates who qualify in each Paper, viz. Paper I, Paper-II and PaperIII, shall be considered for final selection and their merit shall be drawn in order of marks secured in Paper-L Since Paper-II and Paper-III are only qualifying, marks secured in Paper-II and Paper-III shall not be added to marks secured in Paper I to decide merit.

c) After arranging the candidates in order of Merit as at (b) above, the number of candidates to be declared successful shall be equal to the number of vacancy in each category.

d) In the event of any vacancy notified for recruitment remains unfilled only due to nonjoining of the selected candidate, the next candidate in the merit List in the same category shall be considered for appoi[trEent. However, the appointment of such candidates shall be only on the ground of refusal of promotion/declining offer of appointment and no wait list or approved panel shall be maintained.

II. Revised Syllabus for Selection For GDS to PA Exam 2019:-

The Revised Syllabus for Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant Limited Departmental Competitive Examination limited to Gramin Dak Sevak, Postman and Multitasking Staff.

Revised Syllabus for Selection For GDS to PA Exam 2019

Computing of vacancies for Cycle 2nd GDS online engagement process

Directorate has ordered to compute vacancies for cycle 2 GDS Online engagement process in view of the time frame prescribed in revised guidelines of Limited transfer facility for GDS