Only for GDS by GDS - India Post

Thursday, 28 February 2019
Dak Seva awards presented to postal staff
Vijayawada: Andhra Pradesh Postal Circle presented Dak Seva awards for meritorious staff under various categories in 2017 at a colourful function here on Wednesday.
Pradipta Kumar Bisoi, member of Postal Services Board was the chief guest and distributed awards in the function presided over by K Balasubramanian, chief postmaster general of Andhra Pradesh.
Addressing the employees, Pradeepta Kumar emphasised on making habit of writing letters to improve the efficiency of rendering the service to public, reach the customers by promoting best services like Postal Life Insurance, Rural Postal Life insurance, India Post Payment Bank and opening new savings bank accounts and Sukanya Samrudhi accounts which are more beneficial to public.
G Satish, joint manager of Speed Post Centre, Vijayawada, M Sai Hari Krishna, system administrator, Tadepalligudem, KVNSS Murthy, postmaster Grade-1 Pamarru, M Muni Saptagiri Reddy, Postman of Tirupati HO, M Vijayalakshmi sub-postmaster, Tiruchanoor, Md Habeeb Beig, sorting assistant, RMS, A Puvvulamma, Grameen Dak Sevak branch postmaster of Peruru, Perumallapalle in Tiruipati division were given the awards for their service.
Col M Eleesha, Postmaster General, Vijayawada Region, M Venkateswarlu, Postmaster General, Visakhapatnam Region, TM Sreelatha. Postmaster General, Kurnool Region and M Poornachandra Rao, Director of Postal Services were also present in the function.
Monday, 25 February 2019
Abolition Of The GDS Conduct & Engagement Rules 2011
GDS Conduct & Engagement Rules 2011
Initially there were no seperate specific rules to regulate the Conduct and Discipline for GDS and their issues were decided on the analogy of rules for Whole time employees.
Rules specifically for the GDS were framed and published for the first time in DG P&T Circular No.3 dated 16.04.1935.
GDS were excluded from the, application of CCS (CCA) Rules and consequently from the ambit of the term ‘Central Civil Service, Central Civil Post’ and ‘Government Servant’ defined in the said classification rules vide SRO dated 28.02.1957.
Subsequently the sdid 1935 rules were repealed and P&T Extra Departmental Agents (Conduct& Service) Rules, 1959 were framed in consultation with Ministry of Law in replacement of the then existing rules as Statutory Rules.
At that time , a writ petition No.527/1957 in the matter of V Subbarayalu was filed in Madras High Court which held on 23.08.1960 that ED Agents need not be considered to be holders of civil posts and thus they would not be entitled to Constitutional protection.
Similar judgement was pronounced by Odisha High Court also on this subject. On the badis of these judgements , the Ministry of Law felt that the Statutory rules were framed on the badis of an erroneous conception about the nature of employment of ED Agents and according to these judgements , they were to be treated as non – holders of the civil post and, therefore , not within purview of Article 309& 311 of the Constitution of India.
Ministry of Law advised that non-statutory rules should be framed by repealing the statutory rules. Accordingly , non – statutory rules called ” P&T ED Agents (Conduct&Service) Rules,1964″ were framed & made effective from 10.09.1964.
- Then these rules modified as GDS ( Conduct& Employment Rules), 2001.
- Finally these rules modified as GDS Conduct &Engagement Rules,2011 which are un constitutional, illegal and un natural.
So, we have to fight for the abolition of these GDS Conduct & Engagement Rules,2011.
Ch.Laxmi narayana
Dearness Allowance (DA) Hiked By 3%
Dearness Allowance (DA) Hiked by 3%
New Delhi: In a major development on Tuesday, the Finance Minister Arun Jaitley in a cabinet briefing approved a hike in the dearness allowance (DA) for government employees and pensioners by 3 percent. The increase in dearness allowance by 3 percent is intended to benefit about one crore central government employees and pensioners. The dearness allowance to government employees and pensioners has been increased from the present 9 percent to 12 percent. The decision will be effective from January 1, 2019, onwards.
Other than this, the Union Cabinet today, February gave its nod to issue the Triple Talaq ordinance. The Cabinet has given its nod to the Triple Talaq ordinance, said FM Jaitley
New Delhi: In a major development on Tuesday, the Finance Minister Arun Jaitley in a cabinet briefing approved a hike in the dearness allowance (DA) for government employees and pensioners by 3 percent. The increase in dearness allowance by 3 percent is intended to benefit about one crore central government employees and pensioners. The dearness allowance to government employees and pensioners has been increased from the present 9 percent to 12 percent. The decision will be effective from January 1, 2019, onwards.
Other than this, the Union Cabinet today, February gave its nod to issue the Triple Talaq ordinance. The Cabinet has given its nod to the Triple Talaq ordinance, said FM Jaitley
Saturday, 23 February 2019
Friday, 22 February 2019
Master guide for LGOs to PA/SA. Cost 550 + 25 postage. (Total Rs 575/-) 2017-18
1. Master Guide for IP Examination 2017-18.+SUPPLEMENT TO MASTER GUIDE TO IPOS EXAM 2018-19(IN THE FORM OF BOOK LET- 2018-19) cost Rs 200/-. PLEASE Remit Rs 1650/- +200 ( For supplement) + Postage 35/-. total Rs.1885/-
2. Master guide for LDCE for the post of Sr.Postmaster/ Examination-2016-17 with book let 17-18 Rs 1250 + 200 =Rs 1450/-
3. Master guide for PM grd. I. exam 2015-16 cost RS.1400 with book let.(Postage free)
4. Master guide for LGOs to PA/SA. Cost 550 + 25 postage. (Total Rs 575/-) 2017-18
5. Master guide to MTS /Postman Exam 2018-19 (Including outsiders) .COST of the book Rs 650 (including Postage) Only English version.
NB: Those who need the above books may remit full amount by e-MO only
to RK.TRADERS ...Sale of Publications,PO. ANIYARTOLU, VIA KATTAPANA SOUTH 685515. DIST. IDUKKI KERALA..(Not to VK Balan)
No cod/Vp service.Book be sent by Regd post.Books. Published by NELLIKKAL PUBLISHERS, VADAKARA..6731004. KERALA.....
AUTHOR V.K Balan Retd SSPOs. Contact no..0 9947414885..09188279891
Dedicated to Postal/RMS Employees" Better You Know Series.DEDICATED SERVICE FOR LAST TWENTY FOUR YEARS.
" Rush your orders." Limited stock.
V.K. Balan
Retired SSPOs
Nellikal House, Anniyartholu PO
Kattappana South, Idukki 685515
04868-270707 & 09947414885
Outcome of FNPO discussion with Members on 05/02/2019
FNPO delegation consisting T.N.Rahate, SG, FNPO, Sivaji Vasireddy, GS, NAPE-c, Gulam Rabbani, President, NUPE PM&MTS, CHQ, N.Mujawar, AGS, NUPE PM&MTS met Member(P), Member (Technology), Member(PLI), DDG(P), DDG (IPB), DDG(SR&Legal), Director(SPN), DDG(Mails) and ADG(GDS) the following officers on 5.2.2019 discussed on the following issues.
1. GDS issues:
a) Consequent on change in RR of Postman/MTS recruitment rules vacancies (prior to 2018) left due to unfilled quota of MTS to Postman should be given to GDS who are already qualified in the quota of GDS to Postman instead issuing notification for open market. In this issues officers assured to that they will consider the request within the rules on RR.
b) GDS transfer policy – ABPM to BPM and one Level to another Level transfer conditions should be lifted. Administration assured to lift the condition from one level to another level.
c) In some of the Circles/Divisions 7th CPC scales are not allowing to the substitutes working in the GDS vacancies and Directorate is going to issue one clarification to all circles.
d) Regarding combined duty allowance to single handed BPM also clarification going to issue.
e) Emergency leave should be granted by the sub-appointing authorities only instead of SP/SSP/Sr PM as the case may be in view of emergency. This was agreed.
f) Asper new RR of Postman qualification required for GDS is 10+2 hence we demanded 10th qualification for GDS who appointed prior new RR and administration positively reacted to consider our request in the light of natural justice.
2. Rotational Transfers: Less than two years service official should not to post in C and B class offices. Lifting of station tenure condition for Group-c employees. In this regard submitted a detailed letter and Member (P) agreed to consider the same.
3. One time relaxation issue from LSG to HSG II and HSG I service condition issue: It is under active consideration.
4. Regarding Postmaster Grade cadre restructuring issue another meeting is going to be held and after that committee will submits its report to Secretary for taking final decision.
5. AP & Telangana bifurcation issue : one time absorption PA to PA CO and onetime option for Telengana CO – Member P, positively reacted and assured to settle the issue within the couple of days.
6. CSI/RICT related issues discussed with Member Tech, and he assured that a committee is vigorously perusing the problems and it will take some time.
7. We demanded for direct accounting of Mc-mish collections in CSI software to arrest the frauds – it will be solved soon.
8. A letter submitted on problems facing by the delivery staff in c/w COD articles – non consisting of article, damaged articles for taking suitable action.
9. Demanded for announcement of 2015 verification result in lieu of Madras High court Judgment dated 11.1.2019 and administration agreed to do so.
10. We demanded for pay fixation benefit to LGO exam passed officials – like Inspector and PM Grade examination in view of MACP promotion- Officers agreed to do so.
11. We proposed to introduce Mediclaim scheme through our PLI which is will be useful to staff as cashless facility and secondly for Department too.
12. We also requested for announcement of LGO results of 2018 as early as possible in view of heavy shortage of staff in PA cadre.
Tuesday, 19 February 2019
Wednesday, 13 February 2019
Wednesday, 6 February 2019
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